Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Staying with the emotion

Now is the time to look around and realize with an unwavering certainty the blessing that surround you.  Without self-pity, but aware of struggles- take a minute to breathe in and breathe out low and slow.

Say to yourself  "Calm....peace.....calm....peace...." and then smile.  Think of one thing that absolutely makes you laugh and then let go of some of the unnecessary troubles that have jumped on your back since you woke up.

Today's gift.....I will look for ten miracles and write them down!

What does this have to do with anxiety?  You have told yourself for so long that everything is negative, that things suck and can't possible be better.
The brain retraining starts the minute you shift just a little bit to accept that the sun is shining in the sky and the universe supports you!  Have a great day!

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